What Is True Love: The Fuel of Human Kind


pink sparkle love sign

True love is nothing like how the media paints it, and thank god, because it would lack depth and get very boring. So what is true love really? Read on to find out.
When you feel like all hope is lost or off track, come back to one thing, true love: the fuel of the human species. True love is more than the bond between two people; it is what keeps us going.
Underneath everything in nature is this one super charged emotion. The body is complex and our energy levels depend on our emotional state, the more we can get in touch with true love, the more energy we have, it’s quite possibly, the fountain of youth. What is true love you ask? Well, it’s much more complicated than it seems.

Love is all around us

I’ve never done hallucinogenic drugs, but I bet they feel a lot like true love. True love is when a man is walking through a neighborhood and picks up trash that he didn’t drop. True love is when you don’t make fun of someone who is trying really hard, but is nowhere close to what he’s trying to accomplish.
True love is when you listen with the intention of understanding, the basis of humanity and what we thrive on. It is love for each other and for the network of life that involves complex systems of trees, biospheres, food chains, tides and storms. True love sees beyond the day to day gripes of traffic and hunger, it sees the common feelings we all share and it connects us.

True love in relationships

True love in a relationship doesn’t throw out harsh words. People that are truly in love guard their words like Fort Knox, the most precious cargo is inside and the words can steal it. Don’t let your temper steal your true love, words are a sword that has the ability to slice through any picture perfect scene if you don’t pay very close attention to how your emotions affect you and disassociate from them.
True love is deeper than just liking someone for what they offer you, it’s deeper than really liking how someone makes you feel, it’s genuinely caring about them as much as you care about yourself. That could mean that you overlook many shortcomings in order to help them overcome them. It’s accepting of imperfections and offers support.
True love is also protective and if you and your partner have it, you will look out for each other emotionally and physically.

Imagine never being lonely

If you’re ever feeling lonely, whether you are single, divorced, married, gay, widowed, dating, or any other title, just focus on true love. It is a truth that cannot be put into words and it can always pull you out of any situation. It is timeless and selfless; it is your friend and brings copious amounts of smiles. True love doesn’t focus on differences or fearful things; it focuses on similarities and solutions.

How to spot true love


How can you know if you have true love in a relationship? Sometimes love is disguised and it takes a while to recognize. If we want to get in touch with true love we must realize that if we give it, we can’t expect someone to act in a certain way.
If you love someone and they choose to brush you off, it doesn’t mean you are any less of a human or any less capable of having true love. You see, true love doesn’t fit in a box or follow the rules that we have mapped out for how our lives are supposed to go; it twists and dances to show us it’s many faces.

We always find true love in new ways, and sometimes, true love is found in letting someone go because it’s best for them.
True love is not something that can be spotted, it’s something that you must generate and can do so naturally. If you stop resisting what you experience in your life and let your emotions happen, you will be closer to experiencing it.
If you stop holding onto expectations and embrace the moment, you will start to feel it. If you diligently cultivate it, it will find you. You are the source of true love in your life, no one else.

True love expands awareness

True love looks beyond social constructs and feels and empathizes with how people are experiencing the moment. It looks at the interconnectedness of past, present and future and takes into account that we are all learning. True love is a blanket that keeps us warm when we have nothing to fall back on. True love is that feeling when we know we can bounce back and reinvent our lives.
If you are thoroughly confused by this point and pretty sure I’m making all this up, I expected it. When you condition your brain to break out of the mold of thinking in terms of chocolates, roses and romantic dinners, you begin to realize true love exists at every moment in every interaction. It’s overwhelmingly cool when you realize it and really pretty trippy. Talk about looking at life in a new way.

True love gives you strength through adversity

Ziggy Marley is known for his song that says, ‘Love is my religion.’ I don’t think he was talking about a woman. The relationship between two people teaches us how to treat each other, our friends, coworkers and family members. When we communicate in a patient and caring way, our lives change.
We open possibilities when we stay in the emotion of true love but when selfishness rears its ugly head in, we start to close people off. The best way to stay in the emotion of true love is to focus on being humble and kind. Let go of anger and the need to be right, accept things and work hard to help others.

True love doesn’t expire

As humans, it’s hard for us to think of something that doesn’t change or end. We go to school and that ends, buildings deteriorate and skin gets wrinkled. Eventually people pass away. No matter what changes occur in your life, the one thing you never lose is the ability to give and experience true love. That is kind of a comforting thought isn’t it?
The selfless love we can give has no boundaries and no conditions. It is the one constant.

How to cultivate true love in your relationships


I think the age old question that movies are always trying to figure out, cards are expressing and dating sites are trying to offer, is how to find true love. First of all, it’s not outside of you. You won’t fall into true love until you just become it. That means you treat everyone with kindness. They say we attract the same type of people that act like we do, so why not act within the constructs of true love to attract people who are truly loving?
You should try being kind to people on the street by saying hello. Compliment people you don’t know. Thank people and be courteous in public. If you see someone that needs a hand, offer it. Offer to help people when they are moving. Go to someone’s house when they’re sick and take care of them. Try not to let people feel lonely.
As one of my favorite writers, Don Miguel Ruiz says, your heart is like a magical kitchen making love pancakes. The next time you’re feeling negative, whip up a love pancake and offer it to someone else.

True love is caring for the environment

We can practice true love by taking care of the environment in some small ways. Turning off the water when we brush our teeth, taking shorter showers, using reusable shopping bags and buying produce without plastic packages can all be an act of true love. When we do things thinking about our connection to others, that is what it’s all about.
When we don’t act for our own instant gratification and focus on creating a loving attitude towards everyone in our lives and the future generations, who will need a healthy planet to live, we are suddenly transformed to a state of emotion that feels like being at an awesome concert, it rocks.

True love in your work

When you look out for people at work and you don’t try to go behind people’s backs to make yourself look better, you can feel good about what you do. When you always strive to do your best and admit when you fall short, you can maintain your loving attitude all day. Don’t feel like you ever need to pull yourself out of the state of being truly loving. You can practice true love all day, every day.

True love lowers stress levels


Because acting from a place of love affects our emotions, our emotions affect the nervous system and the heart. As your body regulates and sends signals to the brain, your alert system can relax as you focus on loving thoughts.
When we move from a place of anger or fear to a place of love, not only do our actions shift but our health can as well. We will feel calmer, we will smile more, we will offer more hugs. When we truly connect to the humanity we all share, we tap into energy from our emotions that fuels us like no other super-food available on the market.
When you give hugs, it is said to be great for your emotional and physical health. When you speak kindly and give compliments or listen compassionately, you develop positive neural connections that create new habits in your brain patterning. As you create the habit of being truly loving at all times, you may notice your entire life shifting.
True love shifts your life
The more time we spend focused on being loving, the less time we have for arguments, hatred, jealousy and other toxic emotions. If you’re the one that is bright, light and cheerful, people will want to be around you. They won’t subconsciously avoid you. If you make an effort to brighten everyone’s day, pretty soon, people will really enjoy your company.
You may find new things entering your life that really wouldn’t have if you were just acting on your standard default mode. When we rewire our emotions to be heart centered, it’s amazing how it truly shifts our experience of life.
Many of us were raised without knowing how to hold this mental attitude, but most of us have met someone who does. There is a marked difference in people who focus on being loving at all times. They kind of glow, to be honest. It’s like they are giving other people energy and they themselves seem to have an endless supply of it. It’s as if they can work easier, think clearly and really affect people without having an agenda.
It’s not often that we slow down from our busy lives to contemplate true love and its value. Probably the hardest thing to do is to truly love yourself. Let go of the things you have done and ease up on self-criticism. Just be nice to yourself and take care of your body, because you’re the only one that can.
Being truly loving to yourself means recognizing relationships and jobs that might be overly stressful, and choosing another path. Truly loving yourself means protecting your time and your freedom.
American culture is one that is not the best at teaching us true love. With the industrial age came a sense of isolation and the urge to get ahead at all costs. This kind of killed the utopian concept because it put us in competition with each other.
Denmark is said to be the happiest country in the world per capita. In their culture it is frowned upon when people try to show off their money. They recognize that the valuable things in life are relationships and treating people well, not accumulated mass amounts of riches. They try to keep everyone equal no matter how much money they make, and they have defeated that competitive nature that American culture still needs to extinguish.
They say social media is helping to heal American culture because it is connecting us. The positive posts are sweeping the internet and we are able to show our support to people all over the world.
We are also asked to be transparent in our lives because we cannot hide what we are doing, everyone is just one degree of separation away from knowing who you are on social media and it really does hold us accountable for our actions. I think the internet is becoming a self-regulating moralizing tool for American culture to heal and connect to our humanity like we haven’t experienced in the past


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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